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Great Basin College 
1500 College Parkway
Elko, Nevada (USA) 89801

澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Grading graphic

Grading System and Dean's List

Learning Your Grades

Learn your grades by logging into the My澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Self-Service Center.

Grading System


  • 将完成的每门课程的学分数乘以该课程获得的学分点数(见下表). 例如,如果你在一门3学分的课程中得了B-,那么这门课程的成绩就是3 × 2.7 = 8.1
  • 以A到F的成绩重修所有课程. Total the results.
  • 总学分除以A到F的课程总学分. This is your GPA.


  • A (4.0): Superior, demonstrates exceptional competence.
    • An ability to transcend the obvious, apply principles innovatively, and relate theoretical concepts to everyday life. 由此产生的见解往往是个人的,具有启发性.
    • 一种灵活流畅地发展想法的能力,同时具有控制力和目的性.
  • A- (3.7): Superior, demonstrates exceptional competence.
    • An ability to transcend the obvious, apply principles innovatively, and relate theoretical concepts to everyday life. 由此产生的见解往往是个人的,具有启发性.
    • 一种灵活流畅地发展想法的能力,同时具有控制力和目的性.
  • B+ (3.3): Above average, demonstrates competence.
    • 在理解概念和原则的过程中吸收思想和经验,并在学生自己的概念背景下进行有意义的解释的能力.
    • 一种有条理地发展思想的能力.
  • B (3.0): Above average, demonstrates competence.
    • 在理解概念和原则的过程中吸收思想和经验,并在学生自己的概念背景下进行有意义的解释的能力.
    • 一种有条理地发展思想的能力.
  • B- (2.7): Above average, demonstrates competence.
    • 在理解概念和原则的过程中吸收思想和经验,并在学生自己的概念背景下进行有意义的解释的能力.
    • 一种有条理地发展思想的能力.
  • C+ (2.3): Average, suggests competence.
    • Satisfactory understanding of concepts and principles.
    • 课堂学习的应用往往缺乏深度和洞察力.
  • C (2.0): Average, suggests competence.
    • Satisfactory understanding of concepts and principles.
    • 课堂学习的应用往往缺乏深度和洞察力.
  • C- (1.7): Average, suggests competence.
    • Satisfactory understanding of concepts and principles.
    • 课堂学习的应用往往缺乏深度和洞察力.
  • D+ (1.3): Below average, suggests incompetence.
    • A frequent inability to express competence.
    • A limited understanding much of the subject matter.
    • 缺乏承诺或不遵守指示.
  • D (1.0): Below average, suggests incompetence.
    • A frequent inability to express competence.
    • A limited understanding much of the subject matter.
    • 缺乏承诺或不遵守指示.
  • D- (0.7): Below average, suggests incompetence.
    • A frequent inability to express competence.
    • A limited understanding much of the subject matter.
    • 缺乏承诺或不遵守指示.
  • F (0.0): Failure, demonstrates incompetence.
    • 功课达不到这门课程的最低要求.
    • 学生可能没有为接下来的课程做好充分准备.
  • P (N/A):
    • “P”是及格分数,表示C-或更高的分数. 这个年级可以作为某些学位课程的选修课. Since it doesn’t accumulate grade-points, 它不会反映成绩单上累积平均绩点的变化.
  • S (N/A):
    • 满意的成绩表明学生在完成课程目标方面获得了C-或以上的成绩. “S”等级不计算在平均绩点中.
  • U (N/A):
    • 不满意的成绩表明学生在完成课程目标方面获得了D+或以下的成绩. “U”成绩不计入平均绩点.
  • I (N/A):
    • You may receive a final report of “I,” or incomplete, 如果你完成了至少四分之三的课程,成绩为“C”或更高, but are unable to complete the class for good cause. 您必须与您的导师安排完成未完成的课程,并在3月15日之前完成秋季课程或在10月15日之前完成春季/夏季课程. Failure to do so will result in an “F“ grade.
  • W (N/A):
    • You may opt to drop a course before 60% of the course has elapsed, 如果是在100%退款的截止日期之后,你会收到“W”等级吗. The “W“ is not used in computing your cumulative grade-point average; however, “W”成绩将出现在你的永久成绩单上. 正式退课是你的责任. 如果你没有完成一门课程而未能正式退学, you will automatically receive an “F“.

      退伍军人和任何其他接受经济援助的学生退学可能会受到处罚, 并且可能需要偿还该课程的部分或全部收益. If you are contemplating changes in enrollment, you should first obtain the advice of the Director of Student Financial Services.
  • AD (N/A):
    • 这表示这门课程既不会给你学分也不会给你分数.
  • NR (N/A):
    • 这是一个临时分数,表示尚未由教员提交.

Grade Appeals

Click here for grade appeal procedures.

Dean's List

Each semester, 学业成绩符合以下所有标准的学生将获得一封私人信件. The distinction is posted on transcripts:

  • A declared major
  • A 3.50 to 4.0 grade-point average
  • 12个或以上学分的确认入学[通过/退学], developmental (refresher), or community service courses are not included]
  • No "I" (incomplete) grades.

For More Information Contact

Great Basin College 
1500 College Parkway 
Elko, Nevada (USA) 89801 

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Why Great Basin College

Great Basin College, "The Gold Standard in the Silver State", 提供副学士和学士学位水平的学术教育, career and technical fields. Welcoming over 4,000 students annually from all corners of the country, both online and at our various campuses and centers, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载的业务横跨两个时区,覆盖超过86个国家,000 square miles throughout Nevada. A leader in rural higher education, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载为培养能够满足行业需求并为当地经济的成功和繁荣做出贡献的学生而感到自豪.

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